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Other Forms of Dementia

A woman and an old man are holding each other.

Other Forms of Dementia

There are other forms of Dementia besides Alzheimer’s. Some prominent ones are discussed below:

Vascular Dementia
Vascular dementia is another prevalent form of dementia. But many people with vascular dementia also have Alzheimer’s disease. With medication and lifestyle changes, you can treat vascular dementia and slow down its progression. However, the damage that’s already done cannot be reversed. And the condition itself cannot yet be cured. With vascular dementia, symptoms generally vary a little depending on the underlying cause.
Vascular dementia is caused by interruptions to the flow of blood in a person’s brain. Those interruptions can be due to strokes or build-ups of fatty material that result in the narrowing of blood vessels. Some patients have both problems.

Symptoms of Vascular Dementia can include:

  • Memory loss
  • Trouble organizing thoughts and coordinating actions
  • Difficulty with decision-making
  • Struggles with problem-solving
  • Trouble communicating verbally
  • Personality changes
  • Agitation
  • Confusion
  • Loss of bladder control
  • Mobility problems
  • Numbness or weakness in a particular area of the body

Not everyone who has a stroke develops vascular dementia. But having a stroke does increase your risk. Roughly one-third of stroke survivors who previously had no dementia eventually develop this condition—often within one year.

Lewy Body Dementia (LBD)
As the second most common type of degenerative dementia, this sometimes-overlooked disease affects many people—about 1.4 million people in the U.S. alone. But it can be very difficult to diagnose since it often occurs alongside Alzheimer’s disease or vascular dementia. It can even occur alongside Parkinson’s disease. Patients with LBD can display a wide variety of symptoms.

Some of the most distinctive signs of Lewy body dementia can include:

  • Delusions
  • Visual hallucinations
  • Symptoms that get better or worse from one moment (or hour) to the next
  • Physically acting out violent or vivid dreams at night
  • Staring with a blank facial expression
  • Shaking while walking
  • Standing or moving stiffly, slowly, or with a shuffle

Other symptoms often include the same ones displayed by Alzheimer’s patients or those with vascular dementia. In the brains of people with LBD, abnormal protein deposits (known as Lewy bodies) accumulate and make it difficult for neurons to communicate. As the disease progresses, more and more neurons die, causing all kinds of cognitive, behavioral, and physical problems, particularly at the most advanced Lewy body dementia stages.

Frontotemporal Dementia (FTD)
Unlike other types of dementia, FTD doesn’t usually cause memory problems until late in the disease cycle. That’s because it first attacks the parts of the brain that control speech, personality, thought, and behavior. FTD is considered a group of dementias, with each type affecting a person in particular ways. For example:
1. A person with progressive nonfluent aphasia will have difficulty speaking or finding the right words to use.
2. Someone with semantic dementia will have a hard time understanding what other people are saying.
3. People with behavioral variant FTD will often have trouble planning, concentrating, and solving problems. They also frequently have personality changes that lead to strange, obsessive, or inappropriate behavior.

Many people with FTD also experience muscle weakness and trouble with physical movement. The underlying cause of FTD is currently unknown. However, in some patients, certain genes may play a role. And some FTD patients have abnormal accumulations of proteins (called Pick bodies) in their brains.

Other Forms of Dementia & Dementia-Like Illnesses
In addition to the types of dementia outlined above, it’s a good idea to know about some other conditions that can cause or mimic dementia. For instance, many adults develop mild cognitive impairment (MCI). Having MCI means that, for their age, they have slightly greater-than-expected difficulties with speech, memory, or decision-making. However, those problems don’t yet rise to the level of dementia. Other people may develop dementia or dementia-like symptoms as a result of conditions like:

Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD): Also known as spongiform encephalopathy, this rare type of dementia is associated with memory problems, vision problems, impaired judgment, and difficulties with physical coordination. It usually progresses rapidly and leads to death within about a year.

Huntington’s Disease (HD): This genetic disorder progressively destroys a person’s brain cells, causing deterioration of their mental and physical function. It’s incurable. Most people who get this disease first notice symptoms between the ages of 30 and 50.
Parkinson’s disease (PD): People with this degenerative movement disorder gradually have more trouble talking, walking, and carrying out other simple activities. Since PD affects a person’s brain cells, it can sometimes cause various symptoms of dementia.

Multiple Sclerosis (MS): Cognitive decline happens to some people with MS, but it’s generally less severe than what people experience with the most common types of dementia.

Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome: This condition is caused by not having enough vitamin B1 (thiamine) in your body, often resulting from alcohol abuse. It can lead to permanent brain damage and many dementia-like symptoms, including lack of physical coordination, vision problems, memory loss, delusions, and other forms of mental decline.

Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus (NPH): People with this condition have excess fluid in the brain, leading to various dementia-like symptoms. But unlike most of the other conditions on this list, NPH can often be successfully treated with surgery, resulting in nearly full recovery.

HIV/AIDS-Related Dementia: Some HIV/AIDS patients experience cognitive decline or deterioration of their motor functions due to HIV damaging their brain cells or causing too much inflammation in their brains or spinal cords.

No matter what form of Dementia your loved one is suffering from, The Rivers Memory Care at The Village at Sugar Land have a plan in place. We do an assessment to determine the type of Dementia and work with you moving forward.

For more details and information reach out to us at [email protected] or call 832-944-8111. We are here for you all along the journey of your loved one!!

Dementia and Alzheimer’s

Two women playing a game with wooden blocks.

Dementia and Alzheimer’s

Do you know which dementia stages are associated with significant personality changes? How about which types of dementia cause hallucinations? Did you know that there are other forms of dementia besides Alzheimer’s disease?

Here’s why it’s important to educate yourself about dementia: Prevention, in many cases, may be possible. And for anyone already showing symptoms, it’s crucial to understand what may lie ahead as the condition progresses. Friends, loved ones, and caregivers can provide much better support (and minimize their own stress) by having good information and giving this subject the full attention it deserves.

In this article, you’ll learn about several aspects of dementia, including its potential causes, the signs to watch for, how it’s diagnosed, and how it can be treated and managed. You’ll also learn how to live with someone who has dementia and provide compassionate care in a way that maintains their dignity. You’ll even discover reasons for hope.

Dementia vs. Alzheimer’s Disease: What the Terminology Means

The difference between dementia and Alzheimer’s disease is that dementia is a general category of symptoms and Alzheimer’s disease is a specific disease diagnosed within that overall category. Dementia is an umbrella term for several types of disorders that involve life-disrupting cognitive decline. Alzheimer’s disease is the most common form of dementia, but many other forms also exist.

So a person can have dementia without having Alzheimer’s disease. A person can also have multiple kinds of dementia (a condition known as “mixed dementia”); Alzheimer’s disease may be just one of them.

In short, a person with Alzheimer’s disease has dementia. But a person with dementia doesn’t necessarily have Alzheimer’s disease. Either way, the outcome is usually the same. A person with dementia retains consciousness but progressively loses their mental abilities, leading to a severe inability to perform basic daily activities. Memory, communication, reasoning, and motor functions can all be affected.

It’s essential to understand the differences between various dementia types to give the patient the appropriate care. But pinpointing what kind of dementia a person has can be challenging since different forms of dementia often have overlapping symptoms. In many cases, a completely accurate diagnosis can’t be made until a patient passes away and an autopsy is performed.

The most common forms of dementia you should know about is Alzheimer’s Disease.

Alzheimer’s Disease

As the most common type of dementia and the sixth-leading cause of death in the U.S., Alzheimer’s disease poses major challenges for patients, loved ones, caregivers, and the nation’s healthcare system. Alzheimer’s is currently a terminal disease, meaning that it is fatal and irreversible; no cure exists. So the toll it takes can be overwhelming for everyone involved.

Like most other forms of dementia, Alzheimer’s disease comes on gradually. People with this disease tend to appear perfectly normal during the earliest stages. But as the disease progresses, the symptoms slowly become more obvious and life-altering. Every patient is different, but some of the most characteristic symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease include:

  • Memory problems (especially when it comes to remembering new information)
  • Trouble using words to communicate
  • Confusion and disorientation
  • Impaired thinking and poor decision-making
  • Strange, out-of-character behavior
  • Emotional problems, such as sadness, fear, or anxiety
  • Lack of interest in previously enjoyed hobbies
  • Trouble completing routine tasks and daily activities
  • Restlessness and agitation
  • Incontinence
  • Impaired motor functions, such as trouble walking and swallowing (mostly during advanced stages of the disease)

Researchers continue to make discoveries about what happens to the brains of Alzheimer’s patients. They’ve already discovered that this disease causes changes to a person’s brain at both a structural and cellular level. At the structural level, the disease impairs the limbic system first, followed by the cerebral cortex and then the brain stem. The disease can also prevent the formation of new blood vessels in different parts of the brain. At the cellular level, the disease progressively destroys a person’s brain cells (known as neurons). As neurons die, affected areas of the brain start to shrink. Two proteins are thought to play a role in that process:

  • Beta-amyloid: In Alzheimer’s patients’ brains, abnormal plaques (mostly consisting of this protein) form like scar tissue between neurons. As more and more of these plaques accumulate in the brain, neurons are less and less able to send messages to each other.
  • Tau: In a healthy brain, this protein helps neurons maintain their internal structure. But in people with Alzheimer’s disease, it forms tangled bundles of fibers that prevent the normal functioning of neurons.

So for people with Alzheimer’s disease, it’s like their internal “lights” are slowly being dimmed and shut off. And there is currently no way to turn those lights back on; the damage is permanent. That’s what makes Alzheimer’s such a scary illness. Plus, the damage often begins ten or more years before any symptoms emerge.

Here are some additional facts about Alzheimer’s disease:

  • Data from the World Health Organization (WHO) indicates that it may play a major role in as many as 60 to 70 percent of all dementia cases.
  • According to a report from the Alzheimer’s Association, about 10 percent of seniors above the age of 65 have the disease.
  • The above report also found that nearly two-thirds of Alzheimer’s patients in the U.S. are women.

Our Rivers Memory Care program at The Village at Sugar Land: Assisted Living and Memory Care provides a supportive community for our residents with Dementia. Our trained staff works with our residents on a daily basis. Residents and their families are assured about our highest quality memory care and support for them.

For more information about our Memory Care programs, call 832-944-8111 or email us at  [email protected] 

How Music Therapy Benefits Alzheimer’s Patients?

An older man and woman playing a guitar.

How Music Therapy Benefits Alzheimer’s Patients? Or The role of music at the vilage at sugar land.

Musical intervention provides therapeutic effects for patients with dementia or Alzheimer’s disease because music elicits feelings and memories. Musical therapies have been demonstrated to reduce agitation, improve communication, and improve caregiver relationships in patients.

Dementia is a broad word that refers to the loss of memory and cognitive ability that occurs as a result of a brain disease or injury. Alzheimer’s disease is the leading cause of dementia, accounting for 60 percent to 70% of cases.

Music has been shown to aid with agitation and behavioral abnormalities, which are common in Alzheimer’s diseases’ intermediate phases. Even in the later stages of Alzheimer’s disease, a person may be able to tap a beat or sing the words to a favorite childhood song. Music allows people to connect even when verbal communication is difficult.

Music helps the patients to relax and serve to awaken dormant memories. You don’t have to be a music therapist to help Alzheimer’s patients enjoy music. Music experiences, such as any form of musical entertainment provided by caregivers play a vital role for clients’ needs.

In a nutshell, music helps:

  1. Improve cognitive abilities
  2. Develops imagination and creative skills
  3. Improves overall well being and quality of life
  4. Bring joy and relaxation
  5. Create cultural and social bonding with friends around you.

Do you have a loved one who is living with Alzheimer’s ? We believe that every senior deserves a safe, healthy and happy life.

Our Memory Care programs are tailored to Alzheimer’s patients. We offer a daily ritual of musical activity for our Memory Care residents. Learn about our Alzheimer’s Activity Programs by reaching out to [email protected] or call 281-729-8800 for more details.

30 Fun Activities to do with Grandparents!!

A group of people standing in the kitchen holding hands.

30 Fun Activities To Do With Grandparents In The Vilage At Sugar Land.

Grandparents day is around the corner.This Grandparents Day, make sure to spend some time with your grandparents if you’re still lucky enough to have them in your life. Chances are, they love and think about you more than you know. Life is short; appreciate them while you can.

1.Play cards.

Who doesn’t like a good game of cards? Card games like UNO, Old Maid or Go Fish are great for any age!

2.Solve crosswords, puzzles or riddles.

Puzzles are great because they challenge the mind and involve teamwork from both parties.

3.Interview each other! Take notes or record it with your smartphone.

Give your child something to look back on by having them interview Grandma or Grandpa! Who knows, you may find out something new yourself.

4.Draw a family tree, and discuss its branches.

Most families are a lot bigger than we tend to perceive. Have your child sit with their grandparents and go over a little family history.

5.Share old photos and talk about the stories behind them.

Each photo is worth a thousand words, but oftentimes we don’t know the real story behind the photos we see.

6.Go on a walk.

Depending on the location and their health condition, you may be able to send your child on a quick walk with Grandma or Grandpa to do a little sightseeing.

7.Have a tea party.

Putting on a big fancy hat and doing a little acting is a great way to escape reality and have a little fun.

8.Take turns reading a book.

Whether it’s a bedtime story or a chapter of a favorite book, reading is a great way to instill the importance of reading.

9.Draw pictures of one another.

Who knew Grandma or Grandpa was an artist? Drawings are a great keepsake for both the grandchild and grandparent.

10.Watch a movie together.

Movies are a great way to pass time and relax! Pick a favorite movie to share and enjoy a healthy snack.

11.Have breakfast or dinner together.

Getting out of the house and going to dinner is a great way for any grandparent to show off their most prized possession.

12.Bake cookies.

Sharing the secret cookie recipe is a great way to bond and have a little fun in the kitchen.

13.Sing karaoke and dance!

Want to see Grandma and Grandpa dance? Ask them their favorite song growing up and throw it on for a little dance party.

14.Color or paint picture frames.

Create something that will always have a special place in your child’s heart by having them decorate a picture frame with Grandma and Grandpa.

15.Play a game on a smartphone or tablet.

Having your child show Grandma or Grandpa how to play their favorite game on their smartphone or tablet will be right up your child’s alley.

16.Make a holiday decoration

With a holiday in every season, kids and grandparents can get crafty making a holiday decoration. Carve pumpkins, make ornaments, or paint something patriotic for the summertime.

17 Make ice cream sundaes

Ice cream sundaes are even more delicious when mom and dad aren’t around. Grandparents and kids can choose their favorite flavors and toppings and have a sweet blast. For an extra treat, use ice cream you make together or create an ice cream sundae dessert board.

18. Play board games

Board games are a fun and easy way to pass the time, especially on a cold or rainy day. The best part is you likely already have a few on hand; but if you need some new games, we’ve got suggestions for the best board games for all ages.

19. Color together

There’s something timeless and soothing about sitting down to color. With a new pack of crayons and coloring books (or printed out coloring pages), kids and grandparents can spend some restful and creative time together

20.Gift Making

This a great opportunity to make something special for their parents—perhaps a birthday gift or something for a holiday.

21. Do a puzzle

Puzzles are great for kids and grandparents alike. They get the mind moving and can be done regardless of age or physical activity level. 

22.Teach each other a hobby 

Grandparents likely have hobbies that their grandkids have never even heard of—but kids also have hobbies that are a mystery to their grandparents! Have kids give knitting a try and maybe grandpa gets in on a game of Mario Kart. Someone may pick up a new and unexpected hobby.

23. Build with Legos

Legos are an awesome way to spend some quality time together. They encourage problem-solving, reading, and teamwork. The whole family will be proud of creations built together. 

24. Plant flowers

Gardening is a fun and low-impact activity for grandchildren and grandparents to do outside. Whether planting flowers in a garden or in pots, this is a great one-off or regular activity they can enjoy together.

25. Play hide-and-seek

Hide-and-seek is an awesome game to play both indoors and outdoors. Get the grandparents in on the fun and there’s sure to be a lot of giggles.

26. Paint rocks

Painting rocks is a fun way to get creative with nature. Grandparents and kids go on the hunt for the perfect rocks and paint them for the garden or front yard. These are adorable mementos of time spent together.

27. Make a birdhouse

Birdhouse kits or even a do-it-yourself birdhouse are pretty easy to make. With a few simple pieces of wood, wood glue, and birdseed, grandkids can make an awesome birdhouse to hang in the tree at their house or at grandma and grandpa’s house.

28. Play with bubbles

Who doesn’t love good old-fashioned bubbles? Set up the grandparents and kids with fresh bubbles and they’ll enjoy some great outdoor time trying to catch or pop them all. Try this in the winter months, too—frozen bubbles are amazing!

29. Take a class together

Taking a class with grandma or grandpa is a really special experience. They can try painting, cooking, pottery, art, music, or a movement class.

30. Go out to eat

A meal out is an even more special occasion when it’s with grandparents. Whether it’s a quick bite or a dressed-up occasion, everyone will love the memories made while dining out together.

Memories are created every hour of every day! If your grandparents need a little help and may benefit from Assisted living, contact The Village at Sugar Land today and find out why we’re more than just a living facility, we’re a community of friends!

Reach us at 832-944-8111 or [email protected]

3 Healthy Lifestyle Choices to Slow Down Alzheimer’s

A woman is holding two walking sticks

3 Healthy Lifestyle Choices To Slow Down Alzheimer's’

Did you know that you can adopt a lifestyle that might help you prevent or delay the onset and progression of Alzheimer’s disease?

Here are three ways to adopt healthy lifestyle choices that may prevent or slow Alzheimer’s.

Get regular exercise:

A growing amount of research seems to indicate regular exercise might help you avoid Alzheimer’s. Talk with your doctor about the types and amount of exercise that is best for your health.

Consume a healthy diet:

Alzheimer’s prevention is another reason to make a well-balanced diet a priority. One to consider is the Mediterranean diet. It focuses on consuming fruits, vegetables, nuts, legumes, fish, and whole grains. People who live in the Mediterranean have lower incidences of both heart disease and Alzheimer’s.

Practice brain aerobics:

A study published in JAMA Neurology highlighted how giving the brain a regular workout can help protect cognitive health. The sooner you get started, the greater the odds your brain will be protected. Activities that act as aerobics for your brain include learning a foreign language, mastering a musical instrument, reading, and playing board games.

If you are worried about a loved one, contact our highly professional team at The Village at Sugar Land to learn more about how a community can help incorporate these healthy lifestyle options for your loved one. Reach us at 832-944-8111 and schedule a lunch tour with us.

5 Steps to Staying Mentally Sharp and Preventing Alzheimer’s

A graphic with the steps to staying mentally sharp and preventing alzheimer 's.

5 Steps To Staying Mentally Sharp And Preventing Alzheimer’s

Did you step into your kitchen and forget what you needed there? Or perhaps that perfect punchline to the joke you’re sharing with a friend suddenly eludes you. You may be wondering if these brain short-circuits are normal or if they’re something you need to worry about.

Alzheimer’s disease is a feared condition that’s linked to excessive amounts of two proteins that destroy brain cells. Thinking about it likely plays upon your worst fears: losing your long- and short-term memory, being disoriented, and not recognizing your own family members.

Before you jump to any frightening conclusions, it’s important to note that not every cognitive slip-up is cause for alarm. Alzheimer’s may be the most prevalent dementia disease, but only 1% of cases have a genetic component. This means that you can do things to lower your risk and prevent it.

Diane Parks at The Well for Health, founder and progressive nurse practitioner provides one-on-one education as part of her focus for care. See below some preventive strategies one can adopt to do all you can to avoid dementia.

Dementia symptoms caused by Alzheimer’s

One of the tricky things about dementia is that it has many varied, co-occurring symptoms. Typically they don’t all emerge at once, and you might not experience them all, but the symptom spectrum includes:

  • Disorientation and confusion
  • Problems with logical thinking and reasoning
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Recognition
  • Personality changes
  • Aggression, even paranoia
  • Feelings of being overwhelmed by routine tasks and obligations
  • Forgetfulness, even around the familiar

This symptom list may frighten you at first, but it’s important to know that if you’re armed with forethought, knowledge of your family history, and an openness to our counseling on prevention, you can become an empowered patient.

As to the specific cause of Alzheimer’s, it remains unknown. However, there’s growing thought that lifestyle factors may contribute to the development of this disease.

Steps to reduce Alzheimer’s risk

Practices thought to delay or help prevent Alzheimer’s disease should be as familiar to you as the healthy lifestyle habits you’ve heard about for years. The top five Alzheimer’s prevention tips are:

  1. Exercise regularly
  2. Keep your blood pressure in check
  3. Engage in cognitive training (puzzles, memory games, sewing, etc.)
  4. Eat a healthy, balanced diet
  5. Maintain healthy relationships and connections

Research is ongoing, but a number of studies have shown that moving every day may help reduce cognitive decline, and the same thing is true for eating a whole foods-based diet rich in fruits and vegetables. These practices in turn help lower your blood pressure, and compromised vascular health has also been linked to Alzheimer’s.

The most enjoyable part of this anti-Alzheimer’s prescription is keeping your brain busy with puzzles, hobbies like playing a musical instrument, and spending time doing things with people you enjoy.

Because these tips are advised for staving off many other health conditions, they’re neither foreign nor unreasonably difficult. And knowing they could help defend you from an Alzheimer’s diagnosis may up your motivation factor exponentially.

At The Village at Sugar Land, we take dementia seriously. We believe in the Montessori method and take a different approach towards Memory Care. We focus on what residents can do, not what they can’t do. Our activities engage the senses to create positive emotions, helping people feel more comfortable and connect to long-term memories.

Visit Take a tour of our Rivers Memory Care facility, meet our staff to discuss further. We want to assure you or your loved one suffering from Dementia to stay safe and nurtured with love and care within our community

Contact 832-944-8111 or email info@villageatsugarland

How Much Does an Assisted Living Cost in Sugar Land?

A woman and an old lady smiling for the camera.

How Much Does An Assisted Living Cost In Sugar Land?

Prices always vary depending on the level of care required and the amenities offered by the facility. Some assisted living facilities offer basic care services while others provide more comprehensive care and support.

The most expensive assisted living facilities offer a higher level of care and support, as well as more comprehensive amenities. Most facilities offer a variety of services, including personal care, housekeeping, laundry, and meals. Some facilities also offer transportation, recreational activities, and social events. Whether or not your facility offers these options will play into the monthly cost.

Assisted living facilities often require a deposit to join. Monthly fees usually include all utilities, cable, and Wi-Fi. Some facilities also charge a monthly service fee, which covers the cost of basic maintenance and repairs.

Additionally, most assisted living facilities offer a variety of floor plans to choose from. One-bedroom units are typically the most common type of unit available. Two-bedroom units are also available in some assisted living facilities. There are studios and Three-bedroom units as well.

If you are looking for an assisted living facility that offers an ideal balance of affordability and quality, visit The Village at Sugar Land. We are located in the heart of Sugar Land, close to freeway, church and a park. Schedule a complimentary lunch tour, visit the facility, meet our staff and get feedback from our residents. You will be happy to view our newly built building with state of art technology and delicious dining options to choose from. Request additional information or get a virtual tour by emailing us [email protected]

6 Questions to Ask when Touring an Assisted Living Community

A large building with a metal roof and pillars.

6 Questions To Ask When Touring An Assisted Living Community

Visiting a community is a great way to get the feel for the people and the environment.However, it can be difficult to know what to look for and what to ask on your visit. I’m sure you want to make the right decision. That means learning about the quality of the community’s operation and care.

Here are six important questions that can help you better understand both ( The community’s operation and care) 

  1. How does the community hire and train caregivers?
  2. What is the staff to resident ratio?
  3. Can you review a copy of the community’s state survey results?
  4. What is—and isn’t—included in the monthly fee?
  5. How often do monthly fees increase?
  6. What are the legal requirements you will need to sign?

Take time to review the answers to each of these questions and the legal documents and make a list of any follow-up questions you might have. While these questions may be helpful, it’s also important to pay attention to how you feel at the community. Do you feel warmly welcomed? Can this place become yours or your loved ones’ new home ?

The Village at Sugar Land can answer all your questions. Feel free to give us a call and plan a schedule trip with us. See our beautiful community with latest technology and amenities. Meet our staff and feel comfortable with all your concerns. We are here for you. Contact 832-944-8111 or email [email protected]

6 Helpful Tips for Seniors who just Moved into an Assisted Living

A woman and an elderly person smiling for the camera.

6 Helpful Tips for Seniors who just Moved into an Assisted Living

Moving to a new place and making new friends is never simple, regardless of your age or situation. Similarly, as you move to a new assisted living facility, you’re bound to undergo an emotional rollercoaster.

For the first few days, you will be feeling lost, alone, and empty. It is certainly a difficult period as you have just left home filled with your precious memories, loved ones and much more. Although, there is no easy way to move things quickly and settle down. Still, here are some tips you can follow to make your stay at an elderly home more enjoyable.


Give It Time

The adjustment takes time. A typical adjustment period is three to six months, according to the senior care experts. However, it varies from person to person.
The point is that you will need some or more time in any case. Making new friends quickly and being friendly to your neighbors can help you along the way. Be aware of the challenges, but understanding things will get easier.
Feel free to express your feelings and emotions to your loved ones whenever they come to see you.


Get Acquainted With People

The more you are willing to adjust to any place, the easier it will be to settle in there. There, you will be creating new bonds and friendships with your age fellows, and it is good for your health and overall well-being.
And, if you are an internally religious person, choose a faith-based assisted living home. There are many options available offering this type of living. You will feel more comfortable if like-minded people surround you, who also give religion a high priority.
Spirituality plays an important role in the lives of older people, and it helps them cope with mental and physical challenges. To meet your spiritual needs, it is better to consider a faith-based assisted living home.

Stay Connected

Stay in touch with your loved ones. Make use of phone calls, video chats so that you never feel abandoned or lonely in your new home. Also, invite your family to dinner or any event, social gathering taking place at your house.
Transitioning to an elder care home doesn’t mean that you should stop loving and caring for your loved ones.
We assume that your pet has made a move with you, and you have chosen an assisted living that accepts pets. Well, it’s beneficial to have a pet as it makes you more active and gives you a purpose to live.
Moreover, it makes your health better by reducing the risk of heart attacks. All your stress and worry will fade away, and you will feel less depressed with a pet playing around you.
There are few assisted living communities for people with pets, but it may cost some extra money. However, if you love your pet more than anything else, then this doesn’t stop you. Finally, make sure to familiarize yourself with the pet policy.

Get Ready For Setbacks

Even when you feel like you are going well, at some point, you will find your mood changing rapidly. It is possible that you feel like giving up and want to go back to your old home. Sometimes, you may be annoyed by the staff or people around you for no reason.
Rest assured, all these feelings are momentary, and you will soon be back to your normal position. The best thing you can do is to stay connected with others. Hang out with them, share your memories and listen there’s. Do everything to make your bond strong so that you don’t need to remember your older home again.

Trust the Caregiver

Trust the staff, as they try their best to make you feel at home. Also, they take care of your emotional and physical needs. So, never feel reluctant to ask for anything or to express your needs or feelings to them. It will help you create a strong bond with them. Consider it a part of your socializing process and adjusting.

Surround Yourself with Your Personal Belongings

Having your personal belongings near you can make you feel comfortable, as these are a part of your memory. It could be anything, from the Bible lying on your side table to the picture of your loved one hanging on the wall.
Adding a personal touch to your current place is a quick way to feel at home, and get settled. Let your family or caregivers know what you’d like to see in your room.
Leaving home doesn’t mean that you should leave all your belongings at home, you can take them along with you!

Bottom line
To sum it up, moving and settling into a senior living home isn’t always easy, but it can be made a lot easier with some preparation, practice, and a little support.
You are not alone. Thousands of people move into senior living every year. As it ensures not only an improved lifestyle but also your overall health care. At first start, it can be a bit intimidating. However, following these tips will surely help you settle and enjoy your stay in senior care!

Get a Move On – Simple Ways to Incorporate Exercise for Seniors

A woman is holding her arm around another person.

Get a Move On – Simple Ways to Incorporate Exercise for Seniors

One of the most repeated advice by any health professional is to stay active and exercise consistently.  Exercise for seniors can be a challenge due to their unique health considerations. However, physical activity can provide a wide array of benefits and longevity.

Consider Edna in Arizona. In 2014, she took the internet by storm when her trainer shared her workouts on his Instagram. Edna, 97 at the time, had been working out with her trainer once a week for over 10 years. Her best advice for staying young? “Never let yourself get weak.” We couldn’t agree more, Edna!

How Exercise Positively Impacts Seniors

Regular exercise can benefit for any age both physically and mentally. For seniors, regular physical activity and aerobic exercise results in a reduced risk of chronic diseases like diabetes, heart disease, and some cancers. Additionally, a consistent exercise routine can help seniors build muscle and stability. With falls being the most impactful  injury among seniors, balance is incredibly important. Studies have proven that those who are physically active were 50% less likely to have cognitive impairment.

There are several key areas seniors should focus on:

  • Strength: For those who are frail, strength training is a great place to begin with. The machines provide balance and a suitable weight can be chosen to practice.
  • Cardiovascular: A sedentary lifestyle will cause the heart to pump less blood with each beat as it weakens. To avoid or reverse this, it is recommended of 30 minutes daily moderate cardio conditioning which is broken into 10 min sessions.
  • Flexibility: Flexibility can greatly affect quality of life – from bending down to put on shoes to reversing into a parking spot. To improve the flexibility, add 15 minutes of stretching to the end of a workout, after muscles are warm.
  • Balance: Feeling confident moving around is half the battle. For those who have taken recent falls or are just getting started, balance exercises in low-heeled shoes are a great place to start.

Exercise is an important aspect of overall wellbeing. The most important thing to do is to just get started.

  • Water Aerobics: For seniors suffering from joint pain and arthritis, water workouts are ideal. The water’s buoyancy takes stress off the joints while its resistance allows for some strength training. Overall, it can provide strength, balance, and flexibility workouts all in one. Consider adding flutter kicks, aqua jogging, leg lifts, and arm curls to your aqua aerobics routine.
  • Bodyweight exercises: Bodyweight moves make strength training accessible and can be done anywhere with no equipment. Lying hip bridges, curl ups or sit ups, lying or standing leg raises, and chair squats are very effective options.
  • Balance work: Although the motions are small, balance work makes a huge difference in overall mobility. Seniors can try a toe stand, using a chair for balance as they lift their heels off the floor and stand on their toes before lowering down again. A heel-toe walk and practicing shifting weight from one leg to the other are also great for balance.
  • Chair yoga: Chair yoga takes the strain off the lower body and allows seniors to work their upper body. It is also linked to better sleep and lower depression rates for older adults. A chair yoga practice might include seated twists, overhead stretches, and seated mountain pose.
  • Walking: Walking is a great, low stress form of exercise. For seniors, walking can be easily incorporated by walking the perimeter of a building, finding an easy to moderate trail, and even joining a race that is walk-friendly.